How to Pack Boxes When Moving House?

How to Pack Boxes When Moving House?

When you move to a new house, you will pack most of your belongings in boxes. The trick is to not place anything and everything into boxes, because when you arrive at your destination you will have trouble unpacking and settling in. Some items are suited for boxes, while other items should be secured using other packaging materials.

Packing your belongings should not be completed in a rush. There are a few tips and tricks to help you complete the packing process efficiently and effectively. The key is to make the unpacking process as simple as possible, and without any worry of damage or missing belongings.

Before you start packing, there are a couple of things you should consider. You should first identify all your belongings and categorise them so that you can pack them accordingly. Within each category of items, you will need to work out which items will go at the bottom of the boxes and how you will pack each box to minimise wasted space and prevent damage to the belongings. You will need to source durable boxes and label each box. You should reconcile the items you have packed to a checklist to assist with stress-free unpacking. You must lift and load the boxes appropriately to prevent injury to self and damage to your belongings.

To help you get started, we explain why packing boxes correctly is important. Here is a list of benefits:

  1. It will save you time unpacking if you categorise your belongings.
  2. You will minimise the likelihood of damage to your belongings if you place them carefully and strategically in the box.
  3. You will not lose your precious belongings if you use many boxes.
  4. You will save time unpacking because you won’t have to find your belongings.
  5. You will be able to lift the box easily if the boxes are not overfilled.
  6. Your belongings will not fall out if the box is reinforced and secured with tape.

Taking shortcuts and avoiding take care will prevent you from reaping the above benefits. In this blog, we provide the ultimate guide in relation to packing boxes when moving house. If you require further assistance, do not hesitate to contact us to learn more or enquire further.

1. Assess your belongings

Before you leave aside time to pack and acquire packaging materials, you need to assess all your belongings. You need to determine which belongings requires cartage in boxes and which belongings require transportation via alternative means. For example, small to medium furniture, a chandelier, heavy items and other large and delicate items will need to be transported separately using alternative forms of packing. While you might think that you can place anything and everything into boxes, sometimes it will not work out that way. Go through your cupboards, drawers and rooms and identify all the items that are best placed for packing in boxes.

2. Categorise your belongings

To make it easy when unpacking your belongings, make sure you categorise your belongings. You might wish to place all your shirts in one box or all your books in another box. Think of categories such as toys, books, pants, socks and underwear, computer accessories, table furnishings, etc. to help you remember where your belongings are so that they can be quickly unpacked and placed into the correct location. You should also not mix and match categories of belongings, because it might cause you to have a mistaken belief that you have lost something.

3. Segregate your belongings

When you are packing boxes with your belongings, it is important that you do not fill the boxes haphazardly and without any care and strategy. You should place heavier items at the bottom so that you can reinforce the box. Softer and delicate items should be wrapped in bubble wrap, tissue paper or other packaging materials to prevent damage during transit. Smaller items should be placed in smaller boxes or containers so that they do not become lost. Remember, packing a box is like completing a puzzle. It does require time and care. Any rushed jobs will result in unnecessary and unpleasant consequences.

4. Create a checklist

Once you have categorised and segregated your belongings, create a checklist of all your belongings. You might want to list all the categories and document all your belongings in each category. This will help you pack your boxes and also help you to reconcile what you have packed. Once you arrive at your new house, the checklist will serve as a reminder of all your items so that you can check that no items are missing. Remember to write legibly and ensure your descriptions of your belongings are not vague but meaningful.

5. Invest in durable boxes

Acquire durable boxes that are new and not used. At Dawson Moving & Storage, we have an in-house collection of boxes at affordable prices. Our boxes vary in size. While you might think that its best to acquire many larger boxes because you can fit more stuff in, remember the weight will increase! Also, if a large box has been packed incorrectly, items can move inside which can lead to damage. And, you might lift the box inappropriately and cause it to tilt and fall out of your hands! If you need help choosing the right box, speak to our friendly staff in store.

6. Commence packing process

When you have acquired durable boxes, set aside a sufficient amount of time to pack. Do not rush the process and ensure you do not have any distractions. You should have your checklist at hand so that you can tick off all your belongings as they are placed in the box. While this might sound like a tedious process, it will help you following transit. Remember the following golden rules:

  • Place heavier items at the bottom.
  • Fill the box like a puzzle and ensure there is minimal wasted space.
  • Smaller items should be placed in smaller boxes or containers to prevent loss.
  • Do not squeeze products in as this can cause damage from shocks or vibrations.
  • Do not overfill the boxes so that items do not fall out.
  • Do not place heavy items in boxes as the box might not be able to take the weight.
  • Do not damage or tear the box during packing as this can cause the box to become structurally weak.

7. Reconcile against checklist

Once you have packed the boxes, make sure you reconcile the boxes according to the categories you developed earlier against your checklist. This will help you remember all the boxes that need to be loaded onto the transportation vehicle. While this seems obvious for local moves, for any interstate or international moves care is required because your belongings will pass through various hands. You want to make sure you know all the boxes that will be transported so that you can rest assured knowing that nothing will become missing or lost.

8. Secure boxes properly

Secure your boxes properly with appropriate packaging materials. We stock various tapes, wraps and other packaging materials to prevent your boxes giving way. If you are struggling to secure your box, make sure you remove items and place them into a new box. Pushing items in or squeezing the box will either cause damage to your belongings or weaken the structural integrity of the box.

9. Label boxes

Once the boxes have been packed and secured, label them accordingly. Remember to include a title for the box (i.e. the category of the items inside the box), and your name and contact details. Write legibly and ensure your title on the box reconciles to your checklist. You might also wish to assign the box a number or letter code to help you tick off your checklist as the transportation vehicle is loaded.

10. Lift and load boxes appropriately

Whether we help you lift and load the boxes into the transportation vehicle, or you wish to do the process yourself, make sure the boxes are lifted and loaded appropriately. Do not lift items beyond your capacity and always maintain a straight back. At Dawson Moving & Storage, we take care of this process because our fit and energetic removalists have leading tools and equipment to assist.

At Dawson Moving & Storage, we provide traditional moving and storage solutions and a range of additional bespoke offerings that can be tailored to suit your needs, goals and budget. If you need assistance packaging and unpacking your belongings, engage the energetic and experienced professionals at Dawson Moving & Storage.

Our team of well-equipped and skilled removalists strive to make the relocation process as simple as possible for our customers. We stock packaging supplies and can help you pack all your belongings properly to prevent loss, damage and unexpected costs. Call us today on 1800 066 846 (toll free) or visit us online to obtain a quotation for your move today.

Do you have any tips using boxes to pack your belongings when moving house? Share your tips and tricks in the comments section below.

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